Emery Berger


Correctness, reliability, security, and high performance, concurrency and parallelism applications, statistical approaches to correct performance, and data errors

Yuriy Brun

Associate Professor

software trace analysis, data-based software documentation inference,data-driven automatic software repair, software security, cloud systems

Liangliang Cao

Research Associate Professor

AI and its applications, computer vision, deep learning, natural language processing, search and recommendation

Bruno Castro da Silva

Assistant Professor

reinforcement learning, decision making, robotics, AI safety

Lori Clarke

Professor Emeritus

verification and requirements engineering for human-intensive systems, techniques for detecting errors and safety and security vulnerabilities in complex processes in domains such as healthcare and digital government

Bruce Croft

Distinguished University Professor

information retrieval, search engines and digital libraries

Yanlei Diao

Associate Professor

information infrastructures and data management systems, big data systems, data stream systems, interactive data exploration, high-performance genomic data processing

Justin Domke

Assistant Professor

machine learning, probabilistic graphic models, convex optimization, structured learning

Madalina Fiterau Brostean

Assistant Professor

machine learning, ensembles, multimodal data fusion, hybrid models, healthcare applications

Deepak Ganesan

Associate Professor

platforms and algorithms for mobile and wearable health sensing, learning and inference on multi-modal sensor data, micro-powered sensors

Przemyslaw Grabowicz

Research Assistant Professor

computational social science, social computing systems, machine learning, causality, network science

Peter Haas


Information management; mining, analytics, and exploration of massive data; probabilistic database systems; machine learning; modeling and computer simulation of complex stochastic systems.

Mohammad Hajiesmaili

Research Assistant Professor

rigorous system design using optimization, learning, and algorithmic tools, with applications to computer networks, energy, and cyber-physical systems

Mohit Iyyer

Assistant Professor

Deep neural networks for traditional natural language processing tasks

David Jensen


causal modeling, fraud detection, social network analysis, computational social science, directed graphical models, statistical relational learning

Evangelos Kalogerakis

Assistant Professor

visual content creation, 3D modeling, shape analysis and synthesis, surface reconstruction from 3D data, animation, machine learning for computer graphics, artistic rendering

Andrew Lan

Assistant Professor

personalized education, convex optimization, probabilistic models, machine learning, signal processing

Erik Learned-Miller


computer vision, machine learning, probabilistic and statistical methods in vision and image processing, non-parametric statistics, information theoretic methods, unsupervisedlearning

Brian Levine


networking and security, including digital forensics, mobile networking, privacy, and digital forensics

Narges Mahyar

Assistant Professor

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Information Visualization, Digital Civics, Social Computing, Crowdsourcing, Design Thinking

Subhransu Maji

Assistant Professor

computer vision, recognition, grouping, segmentation, human computation and statistical learning

Benjamin Marlin

Associate Professor

machine learning, graphical models, approximate inference and learning

Arya Mazumdar

Assistant Professor

machine learning, information theory, coding theory

Andrew McCallum

Distinguished Professor

machine learning, information extraction, information integration, natural language processing, distributed representations, social network analysis, scalable parallel-distributed machine learning, scientometrics, open peer review

Andrew McGregor

Associate Professor

theoretical computer science

Alexandra Meliou

Assistant Professor

data and information management, provenance, causality, and reverse data management, intersection of database systems and business intelligence applications, optimization problems over large data

Gerome Miklau


Data mining, modeling, and analysis in the presence of privacy constraints; data protection through access control and auditing; market-based approaches to data sharing and resource allocation in the cloud; data provenance

Eliot Moss


machine learning, programming language implementation and computer architecture, particularly memory management; analyze and extract information from program traces; application of chaos theory

Cameron Musco

Assistant Professor

Algorithm design and analysis, large scale data analytics, randomization in computation, theoretical computer science, numerical linear algebra, machine learning & data science, biological distributed algorithms

Brendan O’Connor

Associate Professor

natural language processing, computational social science

Adam O’Neill

Assistant Professor

cryptography, cybersecurity

Tauhidur Rahman

Assistant Professor

mobile health sensing, signal processing, applied machine learing, health and behavior modeling

Barna Saha

Assistant Professor

algorithm design and analysis, large scale data analytics, randomization in computation

Marco Serafini

Assistant Professor

big data systems, data management systems, graph analytics systems, graph databases

Daniel Sheldon

Assistant Professor

machine learning and applied algorithms motivated by large-scale environmental data, dynamic ecological processes, and real-world network phenomena

Prashant Shenoy


operating systems and distributed systems, big data platforms with low-latency analytics, applications to energy efficiency and sustainability.

Hava Siegelmann


clustering algorithms, brain-inspired memory modeling and applications, neuroinformatics, finding principles of brain from big data

Ramesh Sitaraman


Internet-scale distributed systems, including algorithms, architectures, performance, energy efficiency, and economics

Philip Thomas

Assistant Professor

Reinforcement learning, decision making, and AI safety.

Laure Thompson

Assistant Professor

natural language processing, machine learning, digital humanities, computational social science

Donald Towsley

Distinguished University Professor

networks, performance analysis

Arun Venkataramani


networked systems, content distribution, datacenter systems, network measurement

Rui Wang

Associate Professor

computer graphics, photorealistic rendering, data-driven image synthesis, 3D modeling, GPU computing

Beverly Woolf

Research Professor

intelligent tutoring systems, multimedia systems

Yair Zick

Assistant Professor

game theory, fair division, strategic collaborative behavior, algorithmic transparency, ethics

Shlomo Zilberstein


artificial intelligence, decision theory, resource-bounded reasoning, anytime algorithms, combinatorial optimization