Join the 2024 cohort of DS4CG fellows on September 18th for lunch and a poster session where you will get to learn about each project directly from students.


We bring together talented UMass Amherst students, professional data scientists, and leading researchers to tackle challenging data science problems for the common good. DS4CG teams work with nonprofit partners on a wide variety of projects related to data ingestion, cleaning, modeling, visualization, and application development.


Our projects are anchored by a 12-week paid summer internship program in which UMass Amherst CICS undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD students work with the center’s full time data scientists and affiliated faculty to deliver innovative data solutions that help make the world a better place.


DS4CG partners with nonprofits, public-sector organizations, and mission-aligned academics to accelerate end-to-end solutions to common good data science problems.


There is no fee to participate! DS4CG is funded by the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, our industry affiliate partners, and our generous donors.


Potential project partners are highly encouraged to reach out to explore ideas and opportunities at any stage of development. 


Current UMass Amherst PhD, Master’s, and undergraduate CICS students studying data science or computer science are encouraged to apply.


Students develop skills in data analysis, visualization, and application development in our paid internship program.


Project work is complemented by a range of summer seminars that expand student perspectives on ethics, diversity, and the power of data.

Data Science for the Common Good
"DS4CG is computing for the common good in action!"
- Laura Haas, Dean, Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences
"DS4CG gave me the opportunity to apply my data science skills in a real world environment, enabling me to understand the nuances of delivering a data product to its final users. I learned diverse methodologies from other interns and their projects."
- Aashish Nehete, 2023 DS4CG Fellow
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Explore Recent DS4CG Projects

Analysis of #StopAsianHate on Twitter

Partner: Co-Insights DS4CG 2023. This project takes a longitudinal approach to analyzing the #StopAsianHate hashtag on Twitter in order to understand changes in hashtag usage.

Red Cross: Satellite Imagery for Disaster Assessment

Timely reliable damage assessment of buildings and infrastructure in the wake of natural disasters is crucial for organized response and recovery efforts. To aid this effort, this project leverages modern machine learning techniques to rapidly analyze the before and after satellite images of affected areas to assess damage.

Whale jumping

Save the Whales

When whales are encountered near the surface of the ocean, it’s useful to be able to quickly assess their health for conservation and evaluation purposes. As part of our Data Science for the Common Good program, Master’s students Chhandak Bagchi and Gizem Cicekli developed a tool for identifying a whale from an aerial image.