Integrating DISCount for Disaster Relief

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Partner: Red Cross Netherlands DS4CG 2023. The focus of the second summer of our partnership with the Red Cross was to integrate DISCount, UMass Computer Vision Lab's new approach to estimating counts in object detection, into the Red Cross' workflow for counting damaged buildings after a disaster. Our lightweight model helps responders save time and effort in determining the disaster's impact and severity, which ultimately helps the Red Cross deliver aid quickly.

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Save the Whales

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When whales are encountered near the surface of the ocean, it’s useful to be able to quickly assess their health for conservation and evaluation purposes. As part of our Data Science for the Common Good program, Master’s students Chhandak Bagchi and Gizem Cicekli developed a tool for identifying a whale from an aerial image. 

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Supporting Electric Vehicle Planning in African Cities

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In partnership with the World Resources Institute, a global research organization that works on issues such as energy efficiency and climate change, we examined vehicle usage in developing countries. There is often a lack of critical data for developing countries on vehicle purchases and usage patterns, which is a significant gap in sustainability research.

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